For all media inquiries contact the offices of Ericka Boussarhane
For Producers:
Call our office with your credentials and get access to Ericka's Sizzle Reel and her complete online press kit.

Radio Interviews (More Available)
Dean Whitman Secret Story's from the Underground https://www.facebook.com/Secret-Storys-From-The-Underground-Podcast-101910065318961
The Mike Wagner Show https://www.themikewagnershow.com/
Soft Rock 94.1 http://www.softrock941.com/
CBS Detroit at 104.3 HD3, Boston 98.5 HD3, WDSY 107.9 HD3 Pittsburgh, and in Seattle at 96.5 HD3 http://sky.radio.com
1620 News Radio http://www/newsradio1620.com
1370 WCOA News Radio http://www.wcoapensacola.com/
Paranormal Awareness Radio Show http://www.paranormalawarenessradioshow.net/
The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell http://www.xzonearchives.com/july2009.htm
Book Bites for Kids on Blog Talk Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bookbitesforkids/2009/08/28/book-bites-for-kids-ericka-boussarhanesam-and-the-boogie-man
Eerie Radio on Rara-X http://eerieradio.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=476411
Think Again Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thinkagain/2009/04/08/psychic-medium-ericka-boussarhane
Through The Veil Radio http://www.throughtheveil.org/
Yours Truly with Nancy Tursi on Contact Talk Radio http://www.contacttalkradio.com
Haunted Times Magazine Radio http://hauntedtimesmagazine.com
Cross Roads Paranormal Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cpradio
The AARF Show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/paranormalworld
Your Mental Health Radio with Host Jacqueline Foreman http://www.blogtalkradio.com/yourmentalhealth/2009/08/28/international-psychic-medium-erika-boussarhane
Dream Catcher Entertainment Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dreamcatcherentertainment/2007/12/16/cold-case-psychic-readings-ericka
Super Psychic Radio on Achieve Radio Host Bill Schreiner http://www.achieveradio.com/super-psychic-radio/
Down At The Crossroads with Shawn & Jake Cross Road Paranormal Radio www.blogtalkradio.com/spit
Regina's Universe Radio Show www.blogtalkradio.com/ReginasUniverse
Visions with Psychic Barbara Mackey on CBS Radio www.psychiconair.com
Crossroads Paranormal Radio http://www.cprshow.com
Sacred Divisions Radio with Bishop James Long www.para-x.com
"THE BUZZ” on Dark Plains Radio.com hosts Scotty Rorek and Zita Ost www.spookyscotty.com/home.html
Supernatural Encounters Radio with Nathan and Lisa www.para-x.com
Island Ghost Radio with Island Ghost Investigations of Long Island, NY. www.islandghostradio.com
PSI-FI Para-Radio hosts Donna Stewart (PSI of Oregon) and Kris Preston (Dead Time Paranormal) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/psi-fi-para-radio
Visions with Psychic Barbara Mackey on CBS Radio www.psychiconair.com
Crossroads Paranormal Radio http://www.cprshow.com
Sacred Divisions Radio with Bishop James Long www.para-x.com
"THE BUZZ” on Dark Plains Radio.com hosts Scotty Rorek and Zita Ost www.spookyscotty.com/home.html
Supernatural Encounters Radio with Nathan and Lisa www.para-x.com
Island Ghost Radio with Island Ghost Investigations of Long Island, NY. www.islandghostradio.com
PSI-FI Para-Radio hosts Donna Stewart (PSI of Oregon) and Kris Preston (Dead Time Paranormal) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/psi-fi-para-radio
"The Joyce Keller Show" Joyce Keller heard on NY's WGBB 1240 AM is America's longest-running, live, call-in psychic radio show www.am1240wgbb.com
Melissa Frei and Janice Ervin's Radio Show "Pure Dialogue." http://www.12house.com/home/welcomehome.cfm
Paranormal Zone TV Channel 3 -PTN "The Keddie Murders - Cold Case"
The Shadow Hour Radio http://blogtalkradio.com/shadowhour
"The Haunted Truth" Paranormal Radio by Doug Carnahan with co-host Rita Grant. www.blogtalkradio.com/thehauntedtruth
The NightWatch paranormal Radio Show host Legendary Horror Film Director and Producer Todd Sheets http://www.nightwatchradio.com/
Pair of Normal Guys Inc Radio http://pairanormalguysinc.weebly.com/
Paradigm Shift Radio www.ZtalkRadio.com
Raise Your Intuition IQ Radio www.moniquechapman.com/radio.h
Haunted Southern Nights Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/naps
On a Wing of a Angel Radio www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel
The Awakenig Radio TALK RADIO http://www.ztalkradio.com/
Ghost Hunting Southern Radio Style http://www.wiregrassghosthunters.webs.com
Parallel Worlds with Dr Lou Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dr-lou
Ken Arrington host of Truth Seeker Radio/TV http://www.facebook.com/truthseekertv
Cross Roads Paranormal Radio with host Shawn Sellers www.crossroadspararadio.com
Maine Ghost Hunters Radio www.blogtalkradio.com/maineghosthunters/blog/2009/06
Paranormal Talk Radio with Annette Jones http://www.blogtalkradio.com/annette
Daniel Ott Host, The Edge Radio www.theedgeam.com
Willie Windwalker Radio Show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/night-visions/2011/08/13/usa-paranormal--anita-tallbull-lia-scott-price
Jdthe Spiritualist Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualist-jd
The Ghost Host Sophia Temperilli http://www.LiveParanormal.com
Bob Cenkner of Paranormal WaveLengths Radio http://www.past-tv-network.com
NIGHT DREAMS TALK RADIO! http://www.nightdreamstalkradio.com
Speaking Engagements, Paranormal Investigations, and Appearances Have Included:
Nightmare Theatre Events
Pirate Festival
Vinyl Music Hall Music Hall
Beau Rivage Resort & Casino - Biloxi, Mississippi
Indiana Paranormal Convention Night Paranormal -Indiana
Miami Ghost Tours - Miami, Florida
Texas Ghost Show - Beaumont, Texas
Mobi Con - Mobile, Alabama
The Black Syndicate Events - Pensacola, Florida
Green Cove Springs Jail Ghost Hunt - Green Cove Springs, Florida
Desert Dog Media Spirit Fair - Knoxville TN
Through the Veil - Atlanta, Georgia
Paranormal Information Association Conference - Sebring, Florida
Selma Alabama Charity Benefit - Selma, Alabama
A Haunting in Seville Quarters - Pensacola, Florida
Envisions Psychic Fair - Panama City, Florida
All Is Well Health and Inspirations Psychic Fair - Andalusia, AL
Wild Flower Studios Psychic Fair - Fort Walton Beach, Florida
ScareFest Horror and Paranormal Convention - Lexington, Kentucky
Haunter Con - Prescott, Arizona
Dragon Con - Atlanta, Georgia
St. AuGHOSTine Paranormal - St. Augustine, Florida
Pensacola Peace Festival - Pensacola, Florida
Southern Scream Horror Event - Pensacola, Florida
Pensacola Ghost Tour at Seville Quarter - Pensacola, Florida
Pensacola Para Con - Pensacola, Florida
Circle of Life Expo - Pensacola, Florida
Spirit of Life Metaphysical Festival - Panama City, Fl
The Santa Rosa County Creek Indian Tribe, Inc. Pow Wow - Milton, Florida
Blazzues Blues and Jazz Mardi Gras Street Party - Pensacola, Florida
Pensacola Haunted Victorian Inn - Pensacola, Florida
Pensacola Haunted Noble Manor - Pensacola, Florida
Gulf Coast Renaissance Fair Pensacola, Florida
East Texas Paranormal Conference - Beaumont, Texas
Emerald Coast Metaphysical Festival - Navarre, Florida
Phenomenology - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Chip Coffey's Spooky Southern Soiree - Atlanta, Georgia
Buena Vista Plantation Expo - Prattville, Alabama
ImagiCon - Birmingham, Alabama
Penn State Paranormal Research Society Univ Con - State College, Pennsylvania
The Mystic Cottage Expo - Pensacola, Florida
Earth Day Pensacola - Pensacola, Florida
GET INTUIT Intuitive Arts Fair - Atlanta, Georgia
Scare Fest - Lexington, Kentucky
Peace Love and Music Festival of Musicians - Gulf Shores, Alabama, Perdido Key, Florida, and Orange Beach, Alabama
It’s a Woman Thang Expo, Clothing Swap & Wellness - Alford, Florida
Psychic Party "Dinner, Dejavu, and Dancing - Pensacola, Florida
Imogene Theatre Ghost Investigation
Pensacola Seance and Ghost Haunt with Go Retro
The Haunting of Holly Hill Ghost Investigation
Social Media:
Radio Show:
Paranormal Team:
Second Sight Paranormal Investigations and Forensic Services
Print Articles:
Gulf Breeze News
Santa Rosa Press Gazette
Pensacola Magazine
Natural Awakenings
The DownTown Crowd
Oracle 20/20
Aquarius Newspaper
NW Florida's Business Climate
Ballinger Publishing
Splash News
Gosport Naval Air Station Pensacola Military Newspaper
Independent News
The Record Newspapers
The Thrifty Nickel
The Examiner
Taps Magazine
Pensacola News Journal
The Mullet Wrapper
The Healthy Alternative
Wet Country TV
Fox Studio 10 TV
A Gift From Above TV
Forbidden: Dying for Love (
Second Sight Paranormal TV
SYFY Ghost Hunters TV Season 5/ Episode 22 Pensacola Lighthouse -
Blab TV
30A TV
Vimeo On Demand
Amazon Prime Video
Stream Go Media
Play Now Media
Amazon Fire